Final Standings
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關於 pypy (3.6.9),非事前公佈的環境 3.8.10 or later,因而影響 Problem H 公平性一事,在此做出更詳細的說明。
裁判環境使用的 pypy 7.3.1 (python 3.6.9) 比 Python 3.8.10 or later 在處理整數進位轉換上要「更快」,這主要發生在使用 Windows 平台開發的情境下,經測試在 Linux 與 Mac 下,效能上與裁判系統差距不大。
- 命題過程中,採用的環境與裁判環境一致,在評估執行時間限制上,並不受影響。即使換作 Python 3.8.10 or later 也不會造成既有的提交上來的程式碼,面對不公平的時限。
- 因語言規範版本差異造成 syntax error 賽中會視為 compilation error 並不會計入罰時,即使有也有編譯錯誤訊息,測試與正賽中也沒有人提出抗議,影響有限。其他類型的錯誤,與本次版本議題無關。
- 因隊伍評估執行時間造成的影響難有具體事證證明,因此無法補償。
重判報告 Rejudge report
- 因賽中 11:30 之後有感受到裁判機有些時候會卡住。經賽後針對超時的提交再次檢查,下表的 submission 均變成
- After 11:30, we feel that some judgehosts were not responding. We have rechecked all
results, and the following submissions should be correct. We apologize to the teams affected by this unfortunate accident.
ID |
time |
team |
problem |
s2599 |
11:37 |
SplayTreap |
H |
s2617 |
11:39 |
felixtration |
B |
s2693 |
11:45 |
Auto_temp |
H |
s2717 |
11:46 |
Auto_temp |
H |
s2726 |
11:47 |
NYCU_2434 |
G |
s2789 |
11:52 |
NCUmix |
H |
s2801 |
11:52 |
B |
s2808 |
11:52 |
S@OAO! |
G |
s2864 |
11:55 |
S@OAO! |
G |
s2885 |
11:56 |
B |
裁判系統報告 Judge System Report
本次使用 DOMjudge 8.1.0 ,在正賽體驗到一些先前沒有的問題,以下條列並說明主辦處置。
- 開賽後設定 Problem B 採用的 compare script 掛上 case_sensitive 的 argument ,想要再調整回 case insentitive 卻發現不能清空造成錯誤。default compare 吃到不存在的參數會 judge error,造成所有採用 default compare 的題目狀態切換成 not allow judge,在競賽初期造成影響,主辦單位只能盡速排除,無法提供補償。
- 偶而會發生 judgehost 結果無法傳回或是卡死,因此賽中手動 rejudge 部份無傳回的 submssion ,事後 rechecking 所有 time-limit。僅更正因 judgehost 異常導致 time-limit 的測試結果。
- 賽中發生數次 DB 大量存取導致系統卡頓或是 50x 系列錯誤,當下已盡量調整,不做補償。
- 因 DOMjudge 內建 python3 執行環境改為 pypy (3.6.9),非事前公佈的環境 3.8.10 or later,因而影響 Problem H 的標程執行效率與時限設定。此事命題階段、測試階段、正賽中均無人回報,公平性雖略受影響,但缺乏合適救濟手段,不予調整。
We used DOMjudge 8.1.0 and experienced some issues never happened before. We list the issues as follows.
- During the contest, we added a case_sensitive flag to Problem B and soon found that we were unable to remove the flag without crashing the default compare script. Once the compare script crashes, all problems using that script would not allow judge. We tried our best to resolve the issue, and there is no compensation.
- Some judgehosts sometimes could not report the judge results or just stucked. We manually rejudged those unresponsive submissions during the contest. Also, we have performed a rechecking on all
submission. We have fixed all results related to this issue.
- DOMjudge made several massive requests to the DB system and resulted in slowness or 50x errors. We have tried our best to resolve this issue during the contest. There is no compensation.
- The built-in python3 run script has been changed to use pypy 3.6.9, which is not Python 3.8.10 or later. It impacts the efficiency of Problem H’s sample solution and Problem H’s time limit settings. However, there was no one reporting this issue in the problem developing stage, the practice session, and the contest. We believe that the impact is minor, and it is hard to find a remedy. There is no compensation.
- 因近期 COVID-19 疫情造成許多選手因病隔離,本次競賽開放異地參賽,
電子白板 (如 Discord、Google meet、Google Jamboard 等) 與隊友溝通。
Since many contestants got COVID-19 and are in home isolation,
we decided to allow teams to compete in separate spaces.
A team may use extra computers to access the judge system for
problem statements, checking the scoreboard, and clarifications.
But, simultaneously programming on multiple computers is still prohibited.
Contestants may communicate with their teammates via communication software
and digital whiteboards like Discord, Google Meet, and Google Jamboard.
However, communicating with any person other than teammates is still prohibited.
If your team cannot compete in the same place designated by your coach,
then you have to record all screens of computers used and the communication
with teammates during the contest. In addition, you must record the video
with voice. We might ask you to provide the video clips for review when
necessary. If you cannot provide the demand video, it may result in
immediate disqualification.
- 錄影軟體可使用 OBS Studio 或是類似功能之軟體。
- You may use OBS Studio or similar software
to record the video.
- 已寄發帳號密碼等資訊給教練與參賽者,如未收到,請與我們聯繫,電子郵件信箱
- We have delivered the contest information to coaches and contestants. If you did not receive the contest information, please contact us via E-mail:
- 因 ICPC 官網系統障礙,報名延長至 2022 年 10 月 17 日。
- The registration deadline has been extened to October 17, 2022. We will deliver team account information by October 20, 2022.
- 日期 Date
2022 年 10 月 22 日 星期六
Saturday, October 22, 2022
- 地點 Place
- 競賽時間 Contest Time
早上九點至十二點 (三小時)
From 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (3 hours)
- 題組 Problem Set
總題數至少七題,所有題目均為英文,三分之一可由 Python 3 解出。
There will be at least 7 problems to be solved.
The description of each problem will be available in English.
At least one third of them are solvable in Python 3.
For each problem, we will provide solution sketches in Traditional Chinese.
- 報名 Registration
請使用 ICPC 官方網頁註冊:
Please visit the official website of the ICPC:
- 報名期限 Registration Deadline
2022 年 10 月 16 日 星期日
Sunday, October 16, 2022
基本資格規範 Basic Eligibility Rules
請參照 ICPC 官方規範(連結) 中關於 Basic Eligibility Requirement 一節。
The eligibility rules are contained in the official regional
rules on the ICPC website. See “Basic Eligibility Requirement” section.
隊伍組成 Team Composition
並負責與主辦方聯繫。參賽隊員與候補隊員需要滿足 ICPC 官方規範,
Each team must have a coach, three contestants and at most one reserved
team member. The coach must be authorized to represent the school.
The coach certifies the eligibilities of the contestants and
is the official point-of-contact. All contestants and reserved team
member must satisfy the ICPC official rules. None of them may serve as a coach.
Contestants shall respect their opponents. Contestants shall abide the rules.
Contestants shall compete for the honor of themselves, of their teams,
and of their schools. Contestants shall not compromise the reputation of
the society of competitive programming.
The coach has to submit a form to declare that the team abides by the rules
during the contest. Contestants will be disqualified if they violate the
following rules.
- 不得使用機器可讀的資料 No machine-readable preparation
No machine-readable materials (e.g., source codes, templates, etc.)
are allowed. However, paper-based materials, such as textbooks,
dictionaries, printed notes, etc., are allowed.
- 僅與隊友接觸 Only contact teammates
Contestants are allowed to contact only their teammates during the contest.
Contestants shall not discuss with their coach and other teams.
- 網路使用限制 Limited accesses
Contestants shall access the internet only for downloading the problem
description, submitting source codes, requesting problem clarification
and checking the scoreboard. Any other type of internet access is prohibited.
- 限用一台電腦 One computer
Each team shall not use more than one computer to write programs
during the contest. Contestant shall not use any other type of electronic
devices, except extra monitors and printers.
- 禁止惡意行為 No malicious actions
All malicious actions interfering the contest are prohibited.
Scoring & Ranking
計分與排名 Scoring & Ranking
如解出前有答錯,每答錯一次需要另加 20 分鐘。
Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved.
Teams who solve the same number of problems are ranked by least total time.
The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved.
The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning
of the contest to the submittal of the accepted run plus 20 penalty minutes
for every rejected run for that problem regardless of submittal time.
There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
平手判定 Tie-Breaker
If multiple teams have the same number of problems solved and total time,
then the winner goes to the team which first submitted their last accepted
Important Dates
- 註冊截止日期:
2022 年 10 月 16 日
End of registration: October 16, 2022
2022 年 10 月 20 日寄發給教練
Team account information will be delivered to the coach by October 20, 2022.
2022 年 10 月 21 日 下午十二點三十分至十一點三十分 (台灣時間)
Tentative practice session: 12:30-23:30 on October 21, 2022 (GMT+8)
- 競賽時間:
2022 年 10 月 22 日 上午九點至中午十二點 (台灣時間)
Contest time: 9:00-12:00 on October 22, 2022 (GMT+8)
Judge Environment
AWS t2.small instance
Ubuntu 20.04 or later
Compiler/Runtime Environment/Interpreter
- C: gcc 9.3.0 or later
- C++: g++ 9.3.0 or later
- Java: OpenJDK 14.0.2 (JRE & JDK) or later
- Python: 3.8.10 or later
- Kotlin: 1.5.21 on JRE 14.0.2 or later
Flags (Tentative)
- C:
gcc -x c -Wall -O2 -static -pipe -o "$DEST" "$@" -lm
- C++:
g++ -x c++ -Wall -std=c++17 -O2 -static -pipe -o "$DEST" "$@"
- Java:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss${MEMSTACK}k -Xms${MEMLIMITJAVA}k -Xmx${MEMLIMITJAVA}k '$MAINCLASS' "$@"
- Kotlin:
kotlin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -J-XX:+UseSerialGC -J-Xss${MEMSTACK}k -J-Xms${MEMLIMITJAVA}k -J-Xmx${MEMLIMITJAVA}k '$MAINCLASS' "$@"
Lazy Evaluation
The result of a rejected submission is the first encountered error. We do not prioritize timelimit
, run-error
, memory-limit
, output-limit
and no-output
There is no penalty on compilation errors.
Contest Managers: